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David Lentink

David Lentink is Full Professor in Biomimetics at the University of Groningen and studies how birds fly to develop better flying robots. He has a BS and MS in Aerospace Engineering (Aerodynamics, Delft University of Technology) and a PhD in Experimental Zoology cum laude (Wageningen University). During his PhD he visited the Bioengineering department at the California Institute of Technology for 9 months to study insect flight. His postdoctoral training at Harvard was focused on studying bird flight. Before moving to Groningen, he directed his bird wind tunnel research lab at Stanford. Publications range from technical journals to cover publications in Nature and Science. He is an alumnus of the Young Academy of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, recipient of the Dutch Academic Year Prize and NSF CAREER award, he was recognized in 2013 as one of 40 scientists under 40 by the World Economic Forum, by the National Academy of Engineering as Gilbreth Lecturer, and he is the inaugural winner of the Steven Vogel Young Investigator Award.

If you like to learn more about me and my passion for science, engineering and robotics, I recommend watching the Dutch Documentary on this page in case you are located in The Netherlands. Outside The Netherlands, the subtitled international version can be viewed on YouTube: Flying like a bird. There is also this Stanford News story that explains how I ended up designing robots inspired by animal flight.

Dutch Documentary

VPRO Grote vragen | Hoe vliegt een vogel?

Hoe vliegt een vogel? Biomechanisch ingenieur David Lentink is gefascineerd door de kunst van vliegen en legt in zijn lab vol windtunnels en lasers de link tussen het vliegen van vogels en robotica. Lentink ontdekt op zijn oude vliegtuigmodellenclub dat zijn 25 jaar geleden gebouwde modellen nog steeds vliegen als de beste. In Turijn liggen de aantekeningen van Leonardo da Vinci over de vliegkunst van vogels. Lentink bewondert de originele Codex on the Flight of Birds. Ten slotte toont Lentink zijn eigen lab, waar hij onderzoekt hoe muspapegaaien en kolibries manoeuvreren, met turbulentie omgaan en vliegen. Hoe doen vogels dat? Meer informatie


Society funds our research and projects through support of several agencies and organizations. The funding enables (1) a better understanding of biological flight, (2) the invention of new measurement technologies, (3) the development of innovative flying robots, (4) outreach through citizen science, and (5) a broader awareness of the bio-diversity in our backyard.